Music: Judikay – Idinma

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Judikay – Idinma
Judikay – Idinma

EeZee CONCEPTZ is proud to introduce to the World a debutant named Judikay in a heartfelt solo titled IDINMA.

The debut single, IDINMA, is a slow-paced song of praise and adoration for the almighty; almost like a psalm. Judikay‘s voice and delivery pattern suggest nothing of one new to the Industry and promises to be another wonderful product of the highly acclaimed Gospel Enterprise.


Verse 1
My eyes have seen
My ears have heard
Of Your mighty deeds
And powerful show of love towards me

Good good Shepherd
Good good lover
I join the angels to
Shout loud Your praise

Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)
Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)

Verse 2
Oyoyo-o Chimoma Olisabinigwe
(Glorious God, Our Heavenly Father)
There is a melody
A melody in my heart unto You

Overflowing joy, overflowing praise
Daddy Daddy, All that you do is marvelous
Verily verily You are good
Verily verily

Verily verily You are so good
Verily verily

Anyanwututu Ogalijenemumili
(The bright and morning star, One who walked on water)
I join the angels to
Shout loud Your praise

Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)
Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)

(Blowing the Trumpet)

Good good Shepherd
Good good Father
Daddy Daddy,
Shout loud Your praise

Good good Father
You’re so full of goodness
I love how you love me eh

Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)
Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
(You’re good, You’re big)
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
(Dear of good things, You’re beautiful it is true)

Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu

Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu
Idinma Idinma Idiukwu
Onyenemenma, Imaranma N’eziokwu

My Jesus
The day I shall see You face to face
Oh what joy will fill my heart
Overwhelming joy

Stream and Download Judikay – Idinma Mp3 Below:

Music + Video: Judikay – More Than Gold


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