Music: Bella Shmurda – Rush (Moving Fast)

Bella Shmurda Rush MP3. Dangbana Republik frontier, Bella Shmurda the serial hitmaker finally releases his highly anticipated first song of the year titled “Rush” (Moving Fast).
The lovely new single has an amazing vibe and we totally love the vibe shared on the single which is already a hit single.
Ah ah ah ah
Dem say i’m living in a rush
Because am moving fastDem say my matter don cast
But me i no replyWhy dem asking me why, Why am always getting high
Maami i never reply, cos High way thats my wayCos that way thats my way
Jez Jez Christ See your body define
Why are we feeling down
Why are you feeling down?
Life Is Short so ginger yourself
Time, Chance, 50/50 life na diceRich, Poor, las las everybody go kpaiii
Las las everybody go kpaiii
Lati kenya, awo Turkey, alo Ghana
A shey shopping
Keep on talking
Keep on rocking
Ma lo kenya
Ma lo dubai
Ma se shopping olofofo……
Jez Jez Christ she hold me define
Why are we feeling down
Life tense 50/50 life na dice
Rich poor las las everybody go kpaii
Dem say i’m living in a rush
Because am moving fastDem say my matter don cast
But me i no replyWhy dem asking me why, Why am always getting high
Maami i never reply, cos High way thats my wayLati kenya, awo Turkey, alo Ghana
A shey shopping
Keep on talking
Keep on rocking
Ma lo kenya
Ma lo dubai
Ma se shopping olofofo……
Jez Jez Christ she hold me define
Why are we feeling down
Life tense 50/50 life na dice
Rich poor las las everybody go kpaii
Stream and Download Bella Shmurda – Rush (Moving Fast) Mp3 Below:

Nice one from Bella.. I so much like this song. 5050 life na dice
Lala T.-songcast
I must say I’m really impressed by the nice write-up you have here. You actually did a great job, unlike most bloggers I’ve seen on the internet talking about this same topic. Just reading the first few paragraphs, I was already locked in the content. Bravo and keep up the good work.